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In forests there live about 60% of 618 vertebra species occurring in Poland. Development of civilization has disturbed the long-time sustainability and the principles ruling forest ecosystems, which has also brought an adverse effect on animals living there. Therefore, animal population is governed by both the Polish and EU law which defines methods of caring for animals as well as the possibilities of reducing forest damage caused by animals.

Hunting is an element of environmental protection – as it is defined in the „Hunting Law" of 1995.  Wild game (20% of mammal species and 12% of birds living in Poland) is  the national welfare and the property of the State Treasury. Foresters, associated with the Polish Hunting Association,  manage wild game in accordance with the rules of ecology and rational forestry, agricultutral and fisheries management.

Within the Forest District Krzystkowice there operate 3 hunting districts excluded from lease as a Game Breeding Centre, namely the districts on 167, 195, 183, which were established by virtue of the decision of the Minister of Environmental Protection and Naturla and Forest Resources of 19.12.1994.

The districts forming the Game Breeding Centre no 167, 195 and 183 are a part of the III Hunting Breeding Region. The priority of all the management activities run by the Breeding Centre  is  improving living conditions of animals.

The district no 195 of the Game Breeding Centre is implementing the project of „Reconstructing the hare population in the Forest District Krzystkowice basing on the animals coming from  wild animals pen breeding  in the Forest District Świebodzin 2011-2014" . The project is being developed in cooperation with University of Technology and Life Sciences of Bydgoszcz and is being supervised by Witold Brudnicki, PhD.