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Obszary chronionego krajobrazu, fot. Grzegorz Kucharski
Obszary chronionego krajobrazu, fot. Grzegorz Kucharski
Obszary chronionego krajobrazu, fot. Mariusz Grondys
Obszary chronionego krajobrazu, fot. Mariusz Grondys
Protected landscape areas comprise areas with a superb landscape and diversified ecosystems, valuable for the opportunities they bring in terms of tourism and leisure activities or due to ecological corridors they provide.
The area of the protected landscape – covers 17% of the whole area of the Forest District Krzystkowice, namely 5484,19 ha:
- „Eastern Surroundings of Lubsko ",
- „The Bober Valley"
- „The Silesian Ochla Valley"
- „The Brzeźnica Valley"