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The Forest District Krzystkowice in Nowogród Bobrzański is one of the three biggest in area forest districts in Poland. It lies in the basin of the Odra, Bóbr and Nysa tributaries and is managed by the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Zielona Góra.
The Forest District Krzystkowice is located in the Lubuski Province occupying the area of four counties, namely: of Zielona Góra, Żary, Żagań and Krosno as well as nine communes: Nowogród Bobrzański, Świdnica, Lubsko, Jasień, Żary, Żagań, Brzeźnica, Dąbie i Bobrowice. It borders the forest districts of Brzózka, Zielona Góra, Nowa Sól, Szprotawa, Lipinki and Lubsko.
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