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Increasing the retention potential and counteracting floods and draughts in lowland ecosystems in forested areas

Increasing the retention potential and counteracting floods and draughts in lowland ecosystems in forested areas

Krzystkowice Forestry Authority participated in the implementation of a project co-ordinated by the Centre for Coordination of Environmental Projects under the name of Increasing the retention potential and counteracting floods and draughts in lowland ecosystems in forested areas.

Project value: PLN 195,200,000.00

Value of EU cofinancing: PLN 136,000,000.00


The project is cofinanced by the European Union from the funds of Cohesion Fund, as part of the Infrastructure and Environment Programme.

As part of the project, Krzystkowice Forest Authority concluded four tasks, comprising five small lowland water retention facilities:

  • Task 1 – Bogaczów retention reservoir
  • Task 2 – Klepina retention reservoir
  • Task 3 – Grabowiec retention reservoir
  • Task 4 – Drągowina retention reservoir


The project resulted in the retention of 51,232cu.m of water.


The total value of the investment amounted to PLN 1,064,758.32

Cofinancing value: PLN 775,808.73