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Fire, being so beneficial to people is at the same time the biggest threat to forest ecosystems. It can destroy everything – many years' work of foresters and efforts of nature. Thus, while in forests people must be very reasonable and thoughtful.
The forests of Krzystkowice District can be characterized by high flammability and they belong to the I category of fire danger.
The detection and alarm system is based, among others, on ground surveillance network in a form of four district's own fire lookout towers and six lookout towers of the neighbouring forest districts. In this way the whole protected area can be easily observed. Metal-structured towers (35m high) provide workplace for well-trained and experienced lookouts whose duty is to search for wildfires. The communication is provided by tele and radio systems.
The Forest District Krzystkowice functions as a designated prognostic point to define a forest fire danger index for the 22nd prognostic zone that covers the Southern part of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Zielona Góra (totals 11 forest ranges).
Data collected by the District's own meteorological station in Nowogród Bobrzański is the basis for determination of the forest fire danger index, fire risk and for regular monitoring of weather conditions.